- tilbr_rubrik_typ: Text on Image
- tilbr_bild: 11590
- tilbr_bild_rubrik: DECOLIGHT PLANNER
- tilbr_text: DECOLIGHT has slightly fewer options than DECODESIGN, but even here there is great freedom of choice for you as a customer. You specify down to the millimeter the length of your worktop anywhere between 800 and 3000 mm. Furthermore, you can choose between different depths, thicknesses, leading edges and sinks. DECOLIGHT has the same quality mindset as DECODESIGN. An added plus is the short delivery time. A more focused range with fewer options to choose from. Normal production time is only 10 working days. When you're done planning, you'll see the recommended consumer price including shipping and packaging. <a href="">Decosteel's drawing program</a>. (in Swedish)
- tilbr_external_link: a:3:{s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:3:"url";s:48:"";s:6:"target";s:0:"";}
- tilbr_rec_price:
- tilbr_on_sale:
- tilbr_campaign_price: